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Please complete this form and and hand or post to the Membership Secretary with the correct fee. Membership fees can be paid by bank transfer (preferred) or by cheque payable to "Perth Choral Society". Contact the Membership Secretary or the Treasurer for the Society's bank details which are also on the Members Only page.

Application for membership or change of contact details:


Full Name:  ...............................................

Address:   .............................................


Postcode:   .........................

Phone:   ..........................................

Mobile:   .........................................

email:   ...........................................


Gift Aid  (voluntary)

I wish all donations I make to Perth Choral Society to be treated as Gift Aid donations (Please tick      ).

I expect to pay an amount of income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax the charity will reclaim on my donations in the tax year.

You may cancel this at any time by notifying the Treasurer if your circumstances change.


200 Club  (voluntary)

I am interested in the Society's 200 Club (please tick     ).



Please circle:    Soprano    Alto    Tenor    Bass

How did you hear about Perth Choral Society e.g. from member/press/concert/website/Facebook?



I hearby apply for membership. I agree to pay the annual membership fee (£90 annually; (those receiving benefits will be asked to pay a nominal subscription of £ 10) and to uphold the objects of the Society as laid out in the Constitution.


Signed ....................................................................................    date  ...............................


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