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Your Committee

Following the 2023 AGM , the following Members were elected to the Committee for Season 2023-2024:-
President: Claire Sawyer
Vice-Pres: Sabrina Willekens
Secretary: Penny Fenwick
Treasurer: Linda Milne
Librarian: Julie Illingworth
Membership: Catherine Clark, Barbara McAndie
Concert Secretary: Carol McCormick
Concert Manager: David Griffiths
Concert Programme/Publicity: Claire Sawyer, James Crawford
Section Representatives:
Soprano - Gill McKenzie
Alto - Barbara McAndie
Tenor - Mark Johnson
Bass - Ewan McCormick
Ex-officio members
Peter Rutterford, Conductor
Adviser to the Treasurer: Jason Elles
200 Club administrator: Florence Proctor
Facebook editor: Linda Milne
Website: Charlie Rigg
NB Committee members are elected to a post for a period of 3 years, after which members may be re-elected at an AGM for a further three years. 

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